Sampling from a single likelihood model using a random effect for data source.

ic_fit_single(X, region = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...)



Object of ic.df for analysis


Logical. Should region-specific models be generated? Default is TRUE.


Logical. Should messages be displayed? Default is TRUE.


Arguments passed to rstan::sampling (e.g. iter, chains).


An object of class icfit for single region models, or iclist for multiple regions. The icfit object contains a stanfit object returned by rstan::sampling with the fitted object along with the posterior samples, data used in the model, and other attributes related to the fitting. An iclist object is an extension of a list containing multiple icfit objects.


The current version of imcover does not allow for users to modify the prior distributions in the single likelihood model. Future versions of the package may enable this functionality. Lambda is assigned a prior distribution of normal(0, 1) and the sigma parameters are assigned half-Cauchy priors with a scale of 2.