imcover 0.2.4

  • Updated documentation
  • Update to include the single-likelihood model.
  • Corrected predict to back-transform ratio adjustments.

imcover 0.2.3 (not released)

  • Assorted bug fixes.

imcover 0.2.2

  • Bug fix in the multi-likelihood model.

imcover 0.2.1

  • Minor update to plotting allows overlay of WUENIC data.
  • Changed the default x- and y-axis labels in plots.

imcover 0.2.0

  • Revised Stan model to allow variable number of sources.
  • Added parameters to ic_fit for user-defined priors and parameter bounds.
  • Added single-country versions of the model.

imcover 0.1.0

  • Version created for internal ‘beta’ testing
  • Added a file to track changes to the package.