Create an ic data object, which extends data.frame-like objects by defining consistent attributes for required data elements.

  region = "region",
  country = "code",
  time = "year",
  vaccine = "antigen",
  coverage = "coverage",
  source = "coverage_category",
  dose = "doses",
  population = "target_number",
  drop_cols = FALSE,

# S3 method for ic.df
  region = "region",
  country = "code",
  time = "year",
  vaccine = "antigen",
  coverage = "coverage",
  source = "coverage_category",
  dose = "doses",
  population = "target_number",
  drop_cols = FALSE,

# S3 method for data.frame
  region = "region",
  country = "code",
  time = "year",
  vaccine = "antigen",
  coverage = "coverage",
  source = "coverage_category",
  dose = "doses",
  population = "target_number",
  drop_cols = FALSE,



An R object to process and convert to ic data.

region, country, time, vaccine, coverage, source, dose, population

Character of the column name within X which defines the core value for ic data. See details.


Should other columns in X be dropped if they are not core attributes? Default is FALSE to retain all data from X.


Additional arguments. Not currently used.


An object of class ic.df which extends data.frame with attributes to locate and preserve core data elements on immunisation coverage.


ic_data is the core function to create a properly formed and processed dataset for immunisation coverage modelling using imcover. In particular it requires some core data elements are present:

  • 'region' Larger grouping, such as WHO-defined groups of countries. Used to apply separate models.

  • 'country' Primary grouping for data records. Default name is 'code' referring to an ISO3 code of a country.

  • 'time' Defines the time period of immunisation records, typically an integer year. Default column name is 'year'.

  • 'vaccine' Code to identify the vaccine records, e.g. 'DTP1'. Default column name is 'antigen'.

  • 'coverage' Pre-calculated coverage percentage for each country, time, vaccine observation. Default column name is 'coverage'.

  • 'source' Character identifying the source of the data. Default column name is 'coverage_category'.

If 'coverage' is not included in X, then two other elements are required to be specified in order for percent coverage to be calculated. Else, these are optional elements for ic data.

  • 'dose' Number of vaccine doses administered. Default column name is 'doses'.

  • 'population' Total target population for the vaccine. Default column name is 'target_number.

This function is for use with administrative records. For survey datasets, please use ic_survey.

See also

ic_survey, ic_expand, ic_validate


if (FALSE) { # assume `df` is a data.frame # convert to an imcover data frame ic_data(df, group = "iso3", # specify the column names found in `df` time = "cohortyear", vaccine = "vaccine", coverage = "coverage") }