# docs/usage.rst

Usage Guide

Project Setup

1. Initialize Project

Create a new project with default settings:

pypoprf init my_project

The command will create: - A project directory - A configuration file (config.yaml) - Data and output directories

2. Prepare Data

Place your input files in the data directory:

  • Covariate rasters (GeoTIFF format)

  • Mastergrid raster

  • Census data (CSV format)

3. Configure Project

Edit config.yaml to match your data:

work_dir: "."
data_dir: "data"

# Input data paths
  cnt: "buildingCount.tif"
  srf: "buildingSurface.tif"
  vol: "buildingVolume.tif"
mastergrid: "mastergrid.tif"
census_data: "census.csv"

# Census data columns
census_pop_column: "pop"
census_id_column: "id"

4. Run Analysis

Basic run:

pypoprf run -c my_project/config.yaml

With verbose output:

pypoprf run -c my_project/config.yaml -v

Skip visualization:

pypoprf run -c my_project/config.yaml --no-viz

With age-sex disaggregation:

pypoprf run -c my_project/config.yaml
pypoprf agesex -c my_project/config.yaml -p my_project/output/prediction.tif -t my_project/data/test_admin3_agesex.csv

Output Files

The analysis creates several output files in the output directory:

  • features.csv: Extracted features for model training

  • feature_importance.csv: A table containing decrease in nRMSE from multiple runs

  • scaler.pkl.gz: Fitted scaler

  • model.pkl.gz: Trained Random Forest model

  • prediction.tif: Raw population probability surface

  • normalized_census.tif: Normalized census population

  • dasymetric.tif: Final high-resolution population distribution

  • visualization.png: Multi-panel visualization of results

If constrain (constraining layer) is provided, then the following files are produced as well:

  • normalized_census_constrained.tif: Normalized census populations (constrained)

  • dasymetric_constrained.tif: Final high-resolution population distribution (constrained)

Age-sex disaggregation work flow produces additional outputs with suffix associated with the age-sex column name. For instance,

  • normalized_census_m_00.tif: Normalized census populations (male infant less than 1 year old)

  • dasymetric_m_00.tif: Final high-resolution population distribution (male infant less than 1 year old)

Common Issues

  1. GDAL Import Errors: - Ensure GDAL is installed system-wide - Check Python GDAL bindings match system version

  2. Memory Issues: - Adjust block_size in config.yaml - Reduce max_workers for parallel processing

  3. CRS Mismatches: - Ensure all input rasters share same CRS - Use gdalwarp to reproject if needed