# 1 Set-up ----
# load libraries
library(tidyverse) # managing data
library(ggdag) # drawing DAG
library(kableExtra) # visualising table
library(here) # handling path
library(rstan) # running Bayesian models
library(plotly) # interactive plot
# stan setup
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()-1)
rstan::rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE) # speed up running time of compiled model
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.align = "center")
In tutorial 1, we modelled population count with a Poisson-Lognormal model. This modelling does not include site-level variations of population count.
Tutorial 2 will explore the spatial patterns of population counts and how they are clustered across space.
We will analyse the grouping of our observations and unravel their hierarchical structure. We will then see how Bayesian models offer a great modelling toolbox to represent hierarchical data. We will finally try different hierarchical modelling structures to see which one fits our data best.
Hierarchical models define a complex parameter space. We will thus revise the prior setting to account for the complexity.
An Introduction to Hierarchical Modeling by Michael Freeman. Great visualisation of grouped data and goals of general hierarchical modelling
Bayes rules! on hierarchical
model by Alicia A.
Johnson, Miles Ott, Mine Dogucu. Good explanation of hierarchical
modelling in stan
with many examples
Exchangeability and hierarchical models in Bayesian Data Analysis (p.104) by Andrew Gelman, John Carlin, Hal Stern, Donald Rubin, David Dunson, and Aki Vehtari
We will use the bayesplot
package that offers more flexibility in
evaluating Bayesian estimations and plotly
for interactive plotting.
install.packages('bayesplot') # additional evaluations of stan models
install.packages('plotly') # interactive plot
Let’s unravel the clustering patterns in population counts. Figure 1 shows the spatial variation of population density across Nigeria. We choose to represent the population density (people/settled hectares) because it is more comparable across survey sites.
We can observed clustered patterns such as high population densities in the North and the Southeast.
Figure 1: Map of survey site population densities overlaid with Nigeria region boundaries
Let’s plot the population density distribution by regions:
# 2 Hierarchy in the data ----
# prepare data
data <- readxl::read_excel(here('tutorials/data/nga_demo_data.xls'))
data <- data %>%
id = as.character(1:nrow(data)),
# plot population density per region
ggplot(data %>%
) %>%
mutate(mean_popDens = mean(pop_density)) %>%
ungroup(), aes(fill=mean_popDens, x=pop_density, y=as.factor(region)))+
scale_fill_stepsn( colours = brewer.pal(6, "YlOrRd"))+
labs(fill='Mean \npopulation \ndensity', x='Population density', y='Region')
Figure 2: Boxplot of population densities per region
In addition to the 11 regions, the data provides two other Nigerian administrative divisions: state (15) and local (standing for local government areas, 223), which gives extra flexibility for grouping the survey sites. The underlying assumption: the administrative structure of a country gives information on the population density variation.
Another key grouping is the type
attribute indicated in the data. It
refers to a settlement map based on satellite imagery (Pleiades, Airbus
and WorldView2, DigitalGlobe) classified into eight settlement types
pictured in Figure 3 Weber et al. (2018).
Figure 3: Exemplars of the urban residential (A–F), rural residential (M), and non-residential (Z) types for Kano and Kaduna states, Nigeria, from Weber et al (2018)
# plot population density per settlement type
ggplot(data %>%
) %>%
mutate(mean_popDens = mean(pop_density)) %>%
ungroup(), aes(fill=mean_popDens, x=pop_density, y=as.factor(type)))+
scale_fill_stepsn( colours = brewer.pal(6, "YlOrRd"))+
labs(fill='Population density \n(mean)', x='', y='Settlement type')
Figure 4: Boxplot of population densities per settlement type
We see that settlement type clearly stratifies the population density, with for example settlement type 1 having a substantial higher population density than settlement type 4.
Note that out of the eight settlement types displayed in Figure 3, only five types are actually present in the data:
No sites were surveyed in the non-residential type area (Z).
Types C, D and E have been merged together to enforce their prevalence in the South region
Figure 5 shows the full structure of the survey sites, with the following nesting: settlement type, region, state and local government area. When hovering on the schema, you can see how many survey survey sites are in each grouping. You can access the detailed structure by clicking on a specific group.
# Visualise grouping of the data
# create unique id for the nested admin level
data1 <- data %>%
mutate(state= paste0(state,region),
local = paste0(state, local))
# create data for sunburst plot
d1 <- rbind(
# first layer
data1 %>%
group_by(type) %>%
summarise(n=n()) %>%
ids = paste0('settlement', type),
labels = paste0('settlement <br>', type),
parents = '') %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(ids,labels, parents,n),
# second layer
data1 %>%
group_by(type, region) %>%
summarise(n=n()) %>%
ids = paste('settlement', type, '-', 'region', region),
labels = paste0('region ', region),
parents = paste0('settlement', type))%>%
ungroup() %>%
select(ids,labels, parents,n),
# third layer
data1 %>%
group_by(type, region, state) %>%
summarise(n=n()) %>%
ids = paste('settlement', type, '-', 'region', region, '-', 'state', state, '-', 'region', region),
labels = paste0('state ', state),
parents = paste('settlement', type, '-', 'region', region))%>%
ungroup() %>%
select(ids,labels, parents,n),
# fourth layer
data1 %>%
group_by(type, region, state, local) %>%
summarise(n=n()) %>%
ids = paste('settlement', type, '-', 'region', region, '-', 'state', state, '-', 'local', local),
labels = paste0('local ', local),
parents = paste('settlement', type, '-', 'region', region, '-', 'state', state, '-', 'region', region))%>%
ungroup() %>%
select(ids,labels, parents,n)
) %>%
hover= paste(ids, '\n sample size', n)
plot_ly(d1, ids = ~ids, labels = ~labels, parents = ~parents, type = 'sunburst',
hovertext=~hover, insidetextorientation='radial')
Figure 5: Full grouping structure of the survey (settlement, region, state, local)
Note that:
not every state and local government area are present in the data due to sampling limitations
not every group combination is represented in the data. Some region/state/local governmental area do not have survey sites belonging to all settlement types.
Figure 6 shows the regions with missing settlement type. We can’t assess from this analysis if those settlement types are missing because they have not being sampled in our survey or they don’t exist (for example a remote region that does not contain any highly urban settlement type).
makeSunburst2layer <- function(data){
layers <- rbind(
# first layer
data %>%
group_by(type) %>%
summarise(n=sum(!is.na(N))) %>%
ids = paste0('settlement', type),
labels = paste0('settlement <br>', type),
parents = '') %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(ids,labels, parents,n),
# second layer
data %>%
group_by(type, region) %>%
summarise(n=sum(!is.na(N))) %>%
ids = paste('settlement', type, '-', 'region', region),
labels = paste0('region ', region),
parents = paste0('settlement', type))%>%
ungroup() %>%
select(ids,labels, parents,n)) %>%
hover= paste(ids, '\n sample size', n),
color= ifelse(n==0, 'yellow','')
# create missing combinations
data1_complete <- data1 %>%
complete(region, nesting(type))
plot_ly() %>%
ids = ~ids, labels = ~labels, parents = ~parents,
type = 'sunburst',
hovertext=~hover, marker= list(colors=~color),
domain = list(column = 0)) %>%
ids = ~ids, labels = ~labels, parents = ~parents,
type = 'sunburst',
hovertext=~hover, marker= list(colors=~color),
domain = list(column = 1)) %>%
grid = list(columns =2, rows = 1),
margin = list(l = 0, r = 0, b = 0, t = 0))
Figure 6: Grouping structure of the survey (settlement, region) with missing combinations in yellow
When all observations are treated together and indistinctly in the model, it is called complete pooling. This is how we modelled population count in tutorial 1. It assumes perfect exchangeability1 between the observations, that is the indexing of the clusters doesn’t impact the probability of the population density. In other words, it assumes that no ordering or grouping of the data can be made. Generally, the less we know about a problem, the more confidently we can make claims of exchangeability. The consequence of complete pooling is that single parameters are estimated for the entire dataset such that it might produce spurious conclusions that are valid at global level but invalid at group level, through diluting group-specific patterns (cf. the ecological fallacy).
When a model is fit for each data grouping independently, it is called no pooling and creates a model per grouping. It reduces drastically the sample size and makes it impossible to extrapolate for a grouping that is not present in the observation sample.
The purpose of hierarchical modelling is to aim at partial pooling where information is shared between groups while accounting for the hierarchical structure of the data. It provides insights on:
between-group variability: population densities differ from one region to the other
within-group variability: some regions have a greater variability than others (cf region 9 in Figure 2)
Link between random models and hierarchical models: Random models are any model that assumes that parameters are not fixed but varying between groups, that is have a random effect. Hierarchical models are random models that provides a overarching structure to draw information from other groups.
Let’s recall our previous model:
\[\begin{equation} population \sim Poisson( pop\_density * settled\_area) \\[10pt] pop\_density \sim Lognormal( \mu, \sigma) \\ \\\\ \mu \sim Normal( 5, 4 ) \\ \sigma \sim Uniform( 0, 4 ) \end{equation}\]\(\mu\) and \(\sigma\) have both a fixed effect: they are estimated for the entire dataset at once.
We want to differentiate the parameters according to the hierarchical structure of the data.
A first parameter is \(\mu\), that is the median on the log scale of the population density distribution. Modelling \(\mu\) hierarchically means acknowledging that the median differs depending on the grouping, for example different for settlement type 1 from settlement type 4. From now on we will decompose \(\mu\) into a \(\alpha\) term for which we will design a random effect.
Let’s see the different scenarios for estimating \(\alpha\) by settlement type (we will show only for three settlement types for sake of simplicity):
d1 <- dagify(
Y ~ alpha,
outcome = 'Y'
) %>%
tidy_dagitty(seed=1) %>%
mutate(color=c('parameter','data')) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, color=color,shape=color)) +
geom_dag_point() +
geom_dag_edges() +
geom_dag_text(col = "grey20",size=3, parse=T) +
theme_dag()+ guides(color='none', shape='none')+ labs(title = 'Complete pooling', color='', shape='')
d2 <- dagify(
Y ~ alpha_1+alpha_2+ alpha_3,
outcome = 'Y'
) %>%
tidy_dagitty(seed=1) %>%
mutate(color=c('parameter','parameter','parameter','data')) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, color=color,shape=color)) +
geom_dag_point() +
geom_dag_edges() +
geom_dag_text(col = "grey20",size=3, parse=T) +
theme_dag()+ guides(color='none', shape='none')+ labs(title = 'No pooling', color='', shape='')
d3 <- dagify(
Y ~ alpha_1+alpha_2+ alpha_3,
alpha_1 ~ alpha,
alpha_2 ~ alpha,
alpha_3 ~ alpha,
outcome = 'Y',
latent = 'alpha'
) %>%
tidy_dagitty(seed=7) %>%
mutate(color=c('parameter','parameter','parameter','parameter','parameter','parameter','data')) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, color=color,shape=color)) +
geom_dag_point() +
geom_dag_edges() +
geom_dag_text(col = "grey20",size=3, parse=T) +
theme_dag()+ guides(color='none', shape='none')+ labs(title = 'Partial pooling', color='', shape='')
gridExtra::grid.arrange(d1,d2,d3, ncol=3)
We will see the difference between the three models: complete pooling (one \(\alpha\)), no pooling (3 \(\alpha\)s) and partial pooling (3 \(\alpha\) + 1 overarching \(\alpha\)).
Model 2 from tutorial 1 is based on complete pooling of the data or fixed effect: a unique \(\alpha\) for all settlement type.
Let’s implement a no-pooling framework, that is \(\alpha\) will be estimated independently for each settlement type \(t\). Equation (1) represents its formal model, whereby \(\alpha\) is indexed by \(t\) the settlement type and each \(\alpha_t\) has a identical but independent prior Normal(5,4).
\[\begin{equation} population \sim Poisson( pop\_density * settled\_area) \\ pop\_density \sim Lognormal( \alpha_t, \sigma) \\[10pt] \alpha_t \sim Normal( 5, 4 ) \\ \sigma \sim Uniform( 0, 4 )\tag{1} \end{equation}\]How do you write it in Stan? We will show only the code that is impacted.
// Model 1: Independent alpha by settlement type
int<lower=0> type[n]; // settlement type
int<lower=0> ntype; // number of settlement types
// independent intercept by settlement type
vector[ntype] alpha_t;
// population totals
pop_density ~ lognormal( alpha_t[type], sigma );
// independent intercept by settlement type
alpha_t ~ normal(5, 4);
generated quantities{
for(idx in 1:n){
density_hat[idx] = lognormal_rng( alpha_t[type[idx]], sigma );
population_hat[idx] = poisson_rng(density_hat[idx] * area[idx]);
In the data block
, we declare the observation structure of settlement
In the parameters block
, \(\alpha\) becomes a vector of size 5, the
number of settlement type in the data.
In the model block,
we choose the same prior for every \(\alpha_t\), five
normal distributions centered on 5 and with standard deviation 4.
Notice how the indexing works in the generated quantities block
Once the model is written, we prepare the corresponding data, adding the settlement type:
# 3. Hierarchical model by settlement type ----
# No-pooling
# prepare data for stan
stan_data_model1 <- list(
population = data$N,
n = nrow(data),
area = data$A,
type = data$type,
ntype= n_distinct(data$type))
And run the model in a similar fashion as in tutorial 1:
# mcmc settings
chains <- 4
warmup <- 250
iter <- 500
seed <- 1789
# parameters to monitor
pars <- c('alpha_t','sigma', 'population_hat', 'density_hat')
# mcmc
fit1 <- rstan::stan(file = file.path('tutorial2_model1.stan'),
data = stan_data_model1,
iter = warmup + iter,
chains = chains,
warmup = warmup,
pars = pars,
seed = seed)
No warnings are output by stan
, the model has converged.
Figure 7 shows that the estimated \(\hat\alpha_t\) vary by settlement type. We also see how the previously estimated \(\alpha\) was averaging between the different patterns.
# plot estimated parameter
stan_plot(fit1, pars='alpha_t', fill_color='orange')+
# add alpha from tutorial 1
geom_vline(xintercept=4.755109, size=1.5, linetype=2)+
annotate('text', x=5, y=5.7, label="alpha estimated \nin tutorial 1")
Figure 7: Intercept estimated independently by settlement type
We draw the observed vs predicted plot to see the impact of estimating \(\alpha\) by settlement type:
# write function to extract posterior predictions and summarise them in a table
getPopPredictions <- function(model_fit,
obs='N', reference_data=data){
# extract predictions
predicted_pop <- as_tibble(extract(model_fit, estimate)[[estimate]])
colnames(predicted_pop) <- reference_data$id
# summarise predictions
predicted_pop <- predicted_pop %>%
pivot_longer(everything(),names_to = 'id', values_to = 'predicted') %>%
group_by(id) %>%
summarise(across(everything(), list(mean=~mean(.),
upper=~quantile(., probs=0.975),
lower=~quantile(., probs=0.025)))) %>%
left_join(reference_data %>%
rename('reference'=all_of(obs)) %>%
select(id, reference), by = 'id')%>%
residual= predicted_mean - reference,
ci_size = predicted_upper- predicted_lower,
estimate = estimate
# plot posterior predictions
getPopPredictions(fit1) %>%
mutate(type='Population count'),
getPopPredictions(fit1, estimate = 'density_hat', obs='pop_density') %>%
mutate(type='Population density')
) %>%
mutate(type= factor(type, levels=c('Population density', 'Population count')))) +
geom_pointrange(aes(x=reference, y=predicted_mean, ymin=predicted_lower, ymax=predicted_upper
fill='grey50', color='grey70', shape=21
geom_abline(slope=1, intercept = 0, color='orange', size=1)+
labs(title = '', x='Observations', y='Predictions')+
facet_wrap(.~type, scales = 'free')
Figure 8: Comparison of observations with predictions from model 1
We see that the predicted population density has now five modes that correspond to the five settlement types.
Let’s try now partial pooling. Partial-pooling involves a hierarchical set-up for the priors, that is, each \(\alpha_t\) prior distribution will depend on an overarching \(\alpha\) prior distribution. In other words, \(\alpha\) defines a country-wide distribution that constrains each \(\alpha_t\) to be in a similar range.
\[\begin{equation} population \sim Poisson( pop\_density * settled\_area) \\ pop\_density \sim Lognormal( \alpha_t, \sigma) \\[5pt] \alpha_t \sim Normal( \alpha, \nu_\alpha ) \\[5pt] \alpha \sim Normal( 5, 10 ) \\ \nu_\alpha \sim Uniform( 0, 15 ) \\ \sigma \sim Uniform( 0, 10 )\tag{2} \end{equation}\]Note that:
\(\alpha_t\), the random effects are each drawn from a Normal distribution with the same overarching hyperparameters -parameters of prior distributions- \(\alpha\) and \(\nu_\alpha\).
We relax the prior constraint on \(\alpha\) and \(\sigma\) from a Normal(5, 4) and Uniform (0,4) to a Normal(5,10) and Uniform(0,10). Hierarchical models are complex to estimate as some parameters are defined as correlated. We therefore offer to the algorithm more space to explore.
We set a Uniform(0, 15) as hyperprior -prior distribution of a hyperparameter- for \(\nu_\alpha\), the standard deviation of the random effect prior, because standard deviations are positive. We set up a wider range for \(\nu_\alpha\) than for \(\sigma\) because from experience standard deviations of hierarchically defined parameters are more difficult to estimate than other standard deviations (see point 2).
In stan
we will write the mode like this:
// Model 2: Hierarchical alpha by settlement type
// hierarchical intercept by settlement
vector[ntype] alpha_t;
real alpha;
real<lower=0> nu_alpha;
// hierarchical intercept by settlement
alpha_t ~ normal(alpha, nu_alpha);
alpha ~ normal(5, 10);
nu_alpha ~ uniform(0, 15);
We add the new parameters to the parameters to monitor and we run the model:
# Partial pooling
pars <- c('alpha_t','alpha', 'nu_alpha', 'sigma', 'population_hat', 'density_hat')
# mcmc
fit2 <- rstan::stan(file = file.path('tutorial2_model2.stan'),
data = stan_data_model1,
iter = warmup + iter,
chains = chains,
warmup = warmup,
pars = pars,
seed = seed)
## Warning: There were 2 divergent transitions after warmup. See
## https://mc-stan.org/misc/warnings.html#divergent-transitions-after-warmup
## to find out why this is a problem and how to eliminate them.
## Warning: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems
We can now compare the estimated parameters between a no pooling and a partial pooling framework.
# extract parameters from both models
fit2_alpha_t <- summary(fit2, pars=c('alpha_t'))$summary
fit1_alpha_t <- summary(fit1, pars=c('alpha_t'))$summary
# plot parameters
data_plot <- rbind(
as_tibble(fit1_alpha_t, rownames='param') %>%
mutate(model='No pooling'),
as_tibble(fit2_alpha_t, rownames='param') %>%
mutate(model='Partial pooling')
) %>%
model = factor(model, levels=c('No pooling','Partial pooling')),
param_ = paste(param,model),
labels = ifelse(model=='Partial pooling', param, '')) %>%
ggplot(data_plot, aes(mean,param_, color=model, fill=model,label=labels))+
geom_linerange(aes(xmin=`2.5%`, xmax=`97.5%`))+
Figure 9: Comparison between alpha_t estimated independently and hierarchically
There are not striking differences between the two models, but the no-pooling framework tends to over estimate the gap between each random effect, whereas the partial pooling framework tends to pull the random effects towards each other. Table 1 shows how incorporating the settlement type grouping has a direct effect on the prediction.
# Complete pooling
# load previous model for complete pooling
fit_tuto1_model2 <- readRDS('../tutorial1/tutorial1_model2_fit.rds')
# build comprehensive dataframe
comparison_df <- rbind(
getPopPredictions(fit1) %>%
mutate(model='No pooling'),
getPopPredictions(fit2) %>%
mutate(model='Partial pooling'),
getPopPredictions(fit_tuto1_model2) %>%
mutate(model='Complete pooling'))
# compute goodness-of-fit metrics
comparison_df %>% group_by(model) %>%
summarise( `Bias`= mean(residual),
`Inaccuracy` = mean(abs(residual)),
`Imprecision` = sd(residual)
) %>% kbl(caption = 'Goodness-of-fit metrics comparison between complete pooling, no pooling, and partial pooling') %>% kable_minimal()
model | Bias | Inaccuracy | Imprecision |
Complete pooling | 61.60042 | 265.8362 | 338.2423 |
No pooling | 46.23581 | 234.8540 | 307.5303 |
Partial pooling | 45.86681 | 233.9418 | 307.1167 |
Estimating \(\alpha\) by settlement type does improve the model as shown by smaller residuals (Bias and Imprecision) and less variation (Inaccuracy). The hierarchical model does reduce slightly Bias but not strikingly, which indicates that the number of survey sites per settlement type was big enough to estimate the \(\alpha_t\) independently, in a no-pooling framework.
We will see however in the next section the second advantage of hierarchical modelling.
Taking into account the settlement type stratification of population count leads to more accurate predictions and reduces prediction uncertainty (see Table 1).
We can include further grouping in the modelling, such as administrative divisions.
Let’s include region in the modelling:
\[\begin{equation} population \sim Poisson( pop\_density * settled\_area) \\ pop\_density \sim Lognormal( \alpha_{t,r}, \sigma) \\[10pt] \alpha_{t,r} \sim Normal(\alpha_t, \nu_t) \\ \alpha_t \sim Normal( \alpha, \nu) \\[10pt] \alpha \sim Normal( 5, 10 ) \\ \nu \sim Uniform( 0, 15 ) \\ \nu_t \sim Uniform( 0, 15 ) \\ \sigma \sim Uniform( 0, 10 ) \end{equation}\]We see that the priors for \(\alpha_{t,r}\), the median per region and settlement type, depend on two overarching parameters, \(\alpha_t\) and \(\nu_t\) that are estimated by settlement type. The priors for \(\alpha_t\), the median per settlement type, depend on two overarching parameters \(\alpha\) and \(\nu\) that are estimated at the national level.
The model is translated in stan
as :
// Model 3: Hierarchical alpha by settlement type and region
int<lower=1> nregion; //number of regions
int<lower=1,upper=nregion> region[n]; // region
// hierarchical intercept by settlement and region
real alpha;
vector[ntype] alpha_t;
vector[nregion] alpha_t_r[ntype];
real<lower=0> nu_alpha;
real<lower=0> nu_alpha_t;
transformed parameters{
vector[n] pop_density_median;
for(idx in 1:n){
pop_density_median[idx] = alpha_t_r[type[idx],region[idx]];
pop_density ~ lognormal(pop_density_median, sigma );
// hierarchical intercept by settlement and region
alpha ~ normal(5, 10);
nu_alpha ~ uniform(0, 15);
nu_alpha_t ~ uniform(0, 15);
alpha_t ~ normal(alpha, nu_alpha);
for(t in 1:ntype){
alpha_t_r[t,] ~ normal(alpha_t[t], nu_alpha_t);
generated quantities{
density_hat[idx] = lognormal_rng( alpha_t_r[type[idx], region[idx]], sigma );
Note the new transformed parameters
block: it is useful to keep your
block tidy with only the stochastic relationships.
We add the region indexing to the data list prepared for stan:
# 4. Hierarchical model by settlement type and region ----
# prepare data for stan
stan_data_model3 <- list(
population = data$N,
n = nrow(data),
area = data$A,
type = data$type,
ntype= n_distinct(data$type),
region = data$region,
nregion = n_distinct(data$region)
And run the model with the new parameters to monitor:
pars <- c('alpha','alpha_t','alpha_t_r','nu_alpha', 'sigma','population_hat', 'density_hat')
# mcmc
fit3 <- rstan::stan(file = file.path('tutorial2_model3.stan'),
data = stan_data_model3,
iter = warmup + iter,
chains = chains,
warmup = warmup,
pars = pars,
seed = seed)
## Warning in validityMethod(object): The following variables have undefined
## values: population_hat[1],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[2],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[3],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[4],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[5],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[6],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[7],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[8],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[9],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[10],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[11],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[12],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[13],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[14],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[15],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[16],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[17],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[18],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[19],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[20],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[21],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[22],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[23],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[24],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[25],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[26],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[27],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[28],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[29],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[30],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[31],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[32],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[33],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[34],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[35],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[36],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[37],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[38],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[39],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[40],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[41],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[42],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[43],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[44],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[45],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[46],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[47],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[48],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[49],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[50],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[51],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[52],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[53],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[54],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[55],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[56],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[57],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[58],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[59],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[60],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[61],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[62],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[63],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[64],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[65],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[66],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[67],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[68],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[69],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[70],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[71],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[72],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[73],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[74],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[75],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[76],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[77],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[78],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[79],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[80],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[81],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[82],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[83],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[84],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[85],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[86],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[87],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[88],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[89],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[90],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[91],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[92],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[93],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[94],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[95],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[96],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[97],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[98],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[99],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[100],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[101],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[102],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[103],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[104],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[105],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[106],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[107],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[108],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[109],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[110],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[111],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[112],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[113],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[114],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[115],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[116],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[117],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[118],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[119],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[120],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[121],The following variables have undefined values:
## population_hat[122],Th
Stan tells us that “The following variables have undefined values: population_hat[1],”. This is due to integer overflow: the limit of integer value is 2^31 - 1. To make sure we don’t go over this limit, stan restricts the value for the Poisson rate to 1.07374e+09.
This issue happens however only for the prediction and during the warmup period.
When the chains reach convergence, the Poisson rate becomes reasonable and population_hat
becomes defined.
We show here the example for cluster 2 prediction process :
traceplot(fit3, 'density_hat[2]', inc_warmup=T)
Figure 10: Traceplot for cluster 2
Let’s look at the estimated \(\hat\alpha_{t,r}\). Since there are 1 \(\hat\alpha\), 5 \(\hat\alpha_t\) and 5x11 \(\hat\alpha_{t,r}\), we will zoom in on only two settlement types in particular, 1 and 4. To do so, remember how the parameter names are constructed:
is a vector of dimension 5, such that alpha_t[1]
represents \(\hat{\alpha_1}\), the estimate associated to settlement 1
is a vector of dimension 5*11, such that alpha_t[1,1]
represents \(\hat{\alpha}_{1,1}\), the estimate associated to
settlement 1 and region 1.
alpha_4_r <- paste0('alpha_t_r[4,', 1:11, ']')
alpha_1_r <- paste0('alpha_t_r[1,', 1:11, ']')
stan_plot(fit3, pars=c('alpha','alpha_t[1]','alpha_t[4]', alpha_1_r, alpha_4_r),
Figure 11: Estimated alpha by region for settlement 1 and 4
We see that:
\(\hat\alpha\) has a estimated distribution that overlaps the two settlement types, and wider confidence interval to account for all the uncertainty
\(\hat\alpha_1\) and \(\hat\alpha_2\) have two distinctive patterns
the two settlement-level patterns mask regional disparities
A fourth remark: look closely at region 4 and 10, that is to say \(\hat\alpha_{1,4}\), \(\hat\alpha_{1,10}\),\(\hat\alpha_{2,4}\) and \(\hat\alpha_{2,10}\). We see that the confidence intervals are larger than for any other region.
This is because those two regions comprise only one settlement type (5) in the data (see Figure 6) and thus neither settlement type 1 nor settlement type 4. Therefore there is no data to inform those \(\alpha_{t,r}\), but because of the hierarchy, they can be estimated from the global parameter \(\alpha_t\). And indeed we see that their estimated means closely match the respective \(\hat\alpha_t\).
This feature of hierarchical setting is a great advantage compared to the non-pooling setting. When predicting population count across Nigeria, we might find a settlement type in a region that was not represented in our dataset, typically type 1, 2, 3 or 4 in region 4 or 10. In a non-pooling setting we won’t have any parameter estimated because the models are estimated independently per level combination that is for a type x region. In a partial-pooling setting or hierarchical model we are covered by the global \(\alpha_t\). Obviously there will be more uncertainty in the prediction for this specific area because no data could be used to fit the model.
This ability of a hierarchical model holds also if an entire grouping was not sampled, typically if a region was not included in the survey. However it means that this missing region will be estimated with observations from the other sampled regions. If the missing region has very different characteristics, the model will not be able to capture them.
Finally we can see the effect of a two-level hierarchy on the model predictions for every survey site.
# build comprehensive dataframe
comparison_df <- rbind(
getPopPredictions(fit3) %>%
mutate(model='Hierarchical - settlement, region'))
# compute goodness-of-fit metrics
comparison_df %>%
mutate(model =ifelse(model=='Partial pooling', 'Hierarchical - settlement', model)) %>%
filter(grepl('Hierarchical', model)) %>% group_by(model) %>%
summarise( `Bias`= mean(residual),
`Inaccuracy` = mean(abs(residual)),
`Imprecision` = sd(residual)
) %>% kbl(caption = 'Goodness-of-metrics comparison of the hierarchical models') %>% kable_minimal()
model | Bias | Inaccuracy | Imprecision |
Hierarchical - settlement | 45.86681 | 233.9418 | 307.1167 |
Hierarchical - settlement, region | 35.31776 | 200.4041 | 285.1552 |
We will store model 3 to use as comparison in tutorial 2.
# save model
saveRDS(fit3, 'tutorial2_model3_fit.rds')
This tutorial was written by Edith Darin from WorldPop, University of Southampton and Douglas Leasure from Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, University of Oxford, with supervision from Andrew Tatem, WorldPop, University of Southampton. Funding for the work was provided by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
You are free to redistribute this document under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) license.
An excellent example of the concept of exchangeability is provided in the Bayesian data analysis book, proposed as supporting reading.↩︎